Current Projects

Climate Adaptation Partnerships: Caribbean Climate Adaptation Network: Building equitable adaptive capacities of the USVI and Puerto Rico.
2022-2027 ($462,505) NOAA Climate Program Office Award #NA22OAR4310545: "Climate Adaptation Partnerships: Caribbean Climate Adaptation Network: Building equitable adaptive capacities of the USVI and Puerto Rico." This endeavor seeks to enhance and expand partnerships through the development and convening of stakeholders in Puerto Rico and the U.S. Virgin Islands. The proposed knowledge-action network is designed to help build adaptive capacities for future climate extremes, plan responses to cascading climate hazards and governance crises. Collaborators: UPR Ciencias Medicas, University of the Virgin Islands, University of Texas, New York University, Worcester Polytechnic Institute

2023-2026 ($499,956) USGS Cooperative Agreement #G23AC00479: "Puerto Rico Landslide Hazard Reduction Project 2023-2025." This award expands on a standing agreement between the USGS Landslide Hazards Program and the University of Puerto Rico Mayaguez to establish and operate a near-real-time soil hydrological monitoring network. The new agreement will help expand the current hydrological monitoring network (from 15 current stations to at least 20 stations), and provide a means to maintain the network functional thereby complementing a new “Puerto Rico Landslide Hazard Mitigation Office” on-campus at UPRM. The goal of the research and data collection endeavor is to develop landslide forecasting metrics across the island territory to be used in an operation system.
Puerto Rico Landslide Hazard Reduction Project 2023-2025.

2024-2026 ($149,998) Puerto Rico Science Technology and Research Trust Award #2024-00188: "Landslide Hazard Science and Risk Communication in Puerto Rico." This project will support the development and implementation of an operational, real-time Puerto Rico Landslide Forecast system.
Landslide Hazard Science and Risk Communication in Puerto Rico.

2022-2025 ($284,503) NSF Earth Sciences Award #2139895: "Collaborative Research: Testing Critical Zone Controls on Mountain-Scale Relief in a Tropical Climate." This project examines how differences in Critical-Zone processes influence topography through a comparative experiment of two different bedrock units on the tropical island of Puerto Rico. Collaborator: Colorado State University
Collaborative Research: Testing Critical Zone Controls on Mountain-Scale Relief in a Tropical Climate.

LandslideReady community engagement program in Puerto Rico 2024-2026.
2024-2026 ($473,895) USGS Cooperative Agreement #G24AC00484: "LandslideReady community engagement program in Puerto Rico 2024-2026." The purpose of this agreement is to support the research and data collection related to the deployment and analysis of a structured LandslideReady municipal certification program in Puerto Rico (PR). LandslideReady is modeled after the successful NWS StormReady and TsunamiReady endeavors. Over the past few years, the PR Landslide Hazard Mitigation Office (PRLHMO) has co-designed a pilot version of LandslideReady with input from physical scientists, social scientists, federal/state/local government, private industry, community leaders, non-profit groups, and other citizen partners. Municipality emergency management offices are the target groups to be certified as LandslideReady.